Sunday, April 24, 2011

There is a lot going on in my head today.

Like I said earlier everything is so different.

I'm much more sensitive to certain things.

For example I use to lie all the time. I would lie about things I didn't even need to lie about. It would just fly right out of my mouth. Now God put something in my heart that is sensitive to the truth. I know feel the need to very, almost brutally, honest about the smallest thing.

Something that touched me today is worship.
Worship is something completely different now.
I now feel God in the room.
The songs and the words bring tears to my eyes.
They even cause me to cry with real hard tears.

My chains are gone, I've been set free.
My God, My Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Amazing Love
Amazing Grace

My chains are gone. I've been set free. 
I'm no longer tangled in webs of lies. I'm no longer defined by a relationship.
I'm no longer lost and alone.

My God, My Savior has ransomed me.
He freed me from my self and things I could not escape.

And like a flood His mercy rains
Amazing Love
Amazing Grace

I'm more sensitive to sin because Jesus is inside me. I gave up my selfishness and gave up the very things tearing me away from Him.
And now I'm free. I'm passionate about life. And really happy.

It's not easy, but I am so thankful for today.
A day to humble my heart before my Rescuer and bask in His love.

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's almost Easter.

Usually Easter would just mean a ham lunch, some candy, a few goodies, and a church service.

This Easter is a little different.

I have always been a sinner. ( Who isn't!) 

But this year I'm so obviously a sinner.

This year I have a sweet little baby and no ring on my ring finger.

This Easter I actually feel His salvation.

Because Jesus endured the cross I get to be a mom to the sweetest little girl.
I get to be a college student.

Esther and I have a happy life together.

Jesus had no real reason to save me. I never once gave Him a good reason to.
He just loved me that much.

I was going to upload a picture of Esther in her Easter leggings, but I can't find my camera cord. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In my Bible 104 class I am currently going through the Bible in 8 weeks.

The whole entire Bible!

I'm also taking an 8 week Humanities course.

It seems like nothing.

But, It's exhausting. It's more work than I actually want to do.

Lately I am learning a lesson in being disciplined.
I have to steal my moments. When Esther is napping.
When the babies at BBCC are sleeping.
When someone is willing to play with her longer than 2 seconds.

It's hard work, but the end result is worth it.
Esther and I's future is worth it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Are you dating someone?

I get this question all the time. 
Let me just clue you in on my daily schedule.
6am get ready for the day
7am get Esther up and fed
7:30am leave for Nana's
8am arrive at Nana's give Esther kisses. Leave for work
8:30-1:30 ( till 4:30 two days a week) WORK
and so on...

Does it look like I have time to date someone? 

No but seriously I don't need to be with anyone. 
God is my husband. 

Let's be honest God never intended us women to be single parents. 
We need help! And it gets so lonely!!

But God says He will be the widows husband. 

A young mom is a widow. 
During her pregnancy she mourns the lost of the family she always wanted. 
The husband she expected him to be. 
The husband she always dreamed of having. 

What hurts more is when this man leaves after baby.... even when baby number two is born.

God says He will be my Husband and he has stood by this.

He has been by my provider by providing jobs. 
I have never once been jobless. 

He has been my comforter and supporter through my family.

And finally he has been companion and joy through little Esther Rose.

So your answer to wether or not I am dating someone, not exactly. 
I've committed to not dating anyone until Esther is a year and I don't really need anyone right now. 

This is repeated over and over in Songs of Songs

"Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." Song of Songs 2:7

I will meet someone hear on earth. No need to worry about it. No need to looking for it. 
God is filling that need Himself for now.